On the 17th day of his Odarpu yatra, the Kadapa MP, Jagan Mohan Reddy, has changed his style of delivering speeches. Visiting villages in Ballikurva and Martur mandals of Prakasam district, the Kadapa MP took to speaking in very fast bursts very different from the slow speed with long pauses that he adopted earlier on in imitation of his father, the late YSR.
The new style of speaking will have a wider appeal for women and the young, according to political analysts. After an overnight stay in Konanki, Mr Reddy resumed his yatra by offering flowers before the statue of YSR at the zilla parishad high school in Konanki on Thursday morning. He then went to Nagaraju Palli Tanda and offered prayers at Anjaneya Swamy temple.
Banjara tribals gave him a warm welcome with a traditional dance. Jagan claimed that every farmer will remember YSR whenever he switches on the motor that works the pump that provides free power for his fields.
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