The team of ministers deputed by the Chief Minister, Mr K. Rosaiah, to convince the Seema-Andhra MLAs to support the resolution that sought to declare that Hyderabad was not a “free zone” were successful in doing so.
The team told the MLAs that like every district Hyderabad should have a separate recruitment cadre.
Under the new rules, the people of Hyderabad will get a district cadre and no harm will be done to people from other regions. This helped in changing the mood of MLAs.
Meanwhile, the Anantapur Congress MP, Mr Anantha Venkatramireddy who came to the Assembly raised a dissenting note.
“If we compromise now on creating separate cadre for Hyderabad in police recruitments, tomorrow some more demands may come up for other departments. How can we tolerate that?” he told newsmen.
He said the claim of integrationists that Hyderabad being the state capital belongs to all regions and districts of the state will lose steam now with the resolution treating Hyderabad as a separate cadre for recruitments.
“Tomorrow we may lose Hyderabad also if the state is bifurcated,” he argued. Later, he was also told by the ministers that the proposed resolution will in no affect the Seema-Andhra people staying in the Greater Hyderabad area. However, he refused to accept the theory and left.
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