Saturday, March 20, 2010

SMS helps police foil T-suicide

Police on Friday saved the life of a youth who was about to set himself ablaze after he sent an SMS “suicide note” to his friend.
Rajesh, 24, a resident of Ravindranagar in Ramantapur and an artiste working for the Telangana cause, bought a bottle of petrol and went to Tagore Auditorium in OU campus to end his life. He then sent an SMS to his friend, Shankar, who stays in the OU campus. “Forgive me,” said the message. “Instead of defeat in Telangana movement I feel death is better. I am ending my life.”
As soon as he got the message, Shankar called up OU inspector of police, Mr B. Anjaiah, and alerted him.
The inspector stopped a motorcycle of a passerby and sped towards the auditorium. He reached there in the nick of time, when Rajesh was about to douse himself with petrol. Mr Anjaiah pounced on him and wrenched away the petrol bottle. Rajesh was given counselling and handed over to his sister living in Ramanthapur.
“If our officers had been late by a minute, he would have killed himself,” said the East Zone deputy commissioner of police, Mr Mahesh Chandra Laddah. “He said he wanted to die in the same place where Venugopal Reddy killed himself.”


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